...is a nomadic archiarchal nanonation gameworld delivering transformational trainings, evolutionary processes, and authentic adulthood and archetypal initiations to ecovillages, groups, and individuals through the tools, thoughtmaps, and processes of Possibility Management.
What makes a Possibilican a Possibilican is their love of the other Possibilicans and their love of the gameworld of Possibilica.
The distinctions, thoughtware, and Rules Of Engagement of a gameworld emerge from the context of the gameworld.
The context is the way the gameworld relates to consciousness and responsibility,
and gives birth to the particular characteristics of each gameworld.
Is a music band still a music band even if the musicians are not on stage performing together? Yes.
Does a school exist even on the weekends? Yes.
A surfer can only surf a wave when she is on the wave.
For the time being, the physical location of Possibilica is determined by the invitations we receive to deliver our nonmaterial value.
For example, while this was being written, Possibilicans were busily delivering 3 Initiation workshops at the GEN-Europe conference at Lilleoru, Estonia, 3 Inner Activism and Gameworld Builder workshops at Liminal Village at Boom! Festival in Portugal, a Sword and Chocolate intimacy talk and workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland, personal healing and initiation processes at the New Culture Summer Camp in Eugene, Oregon, and Expand The Box training and Possibility Lab in Melbourne, Australia. The near future is calling us to New Zealand, Japan, and Brazil, in addition to European requests in Estonia, Spain, and Poland.
In the same way that Gandalf goes when and where he is needed, we are on the road. Being a transformational road-warrioress requires a strong center and a clear grounding-cord connection to Gaia.
There is a natural progression of cultures that roll out as circumstances and purpose change, and as awareness and our ability to interact and create evolves, from matriarchal to patriarchal to archiarchal.
Matriarchal cultures reign when humans organize as tribes and clans, roving the Earth as if she were a gigantic salad bar open 24/7/365. Matriarchal tribes view their own gameworld members as 'human beings' and everyone else as 'the edible ones'. They do not teach 'cultural relativity'. Matriarchal initiations relocate a person's Point Of Origin from the mother to the ancestors and the traditions. Each person is trained to submit their authority to the rules of engagement of the gameworld.
As climate conditions changed 6000 years ago humans domesticated animals and figured out how to grow a surplus of food that could be stored. But stored food can also be stolen. Roving bands of male marauders became the baron kings and emperors, building armies, advancing weapons, putting up fences to defend the bizarre Gremlin concept of 'owning land'. The top of the hierarchy regarded their farmers as serfs or slaves, and battled each other for territory and possessions. Thus the age of the capitalist patriarchal empire began, and now comes to an end as we have burned off easily available oil, coal, and gas, and hierarchical structures around the world have been hijacked by the psychopathic agenda. Modern culture banned authentic adulthood initiations so uninitiated adolescents could rise to power. Modern culture also does not teach its people 'cultural relativity', so modern culture views the world as its 'resources' and all other countries and creatures as consumable.
What naturally emerges after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course is 'archiarchy', cultures in which archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborate with archetypally initiated adult men. Archiarchal cultures are contexted in radical responsibility, consciously navigate all 3 worlds, and center themselves around authentic adulthood initiatory processes. Archiarchal distinctions include clarity that all cultures are arbitrary gameworlds and so teach cultural-relativity. Edgeworkers accompany people who are 'Exiteers': those people journeying to the edges of modern culture, and stepping onto bridges from matriarchy and patriarchy to archiarchy as New Refugees. More info: archiarchy.org
The idea that all the land on Earth is already claimed by the 195 meganation members of the United Nations, stops most people from realizing their own autonomy, authority, and responsibility to create the cultural gameworld they would love to live in.
In Archiarchy, no one can speak for another person. The idea of a 'representative democracy' is ludicrous. The largest circle in which everyone's voice can be heard is about 60, the size of a tribe. If you stop using hierarchical power structures and instead use circular meeting technologies, and if you reinstate authentic adulthood and archetypal initiations as the highest value in your culture, the psychopaths will not be able to take over. Human aliveness and creativity can thrive. When adults are initiated into radical responsibility, what naturally emerges on Earth is 100 million interdepending collaborative nanonations. Possibilica is one of these that already exists. There are many others.
It turns out that human beings interact with each other through the 'gameworlds' we make up out of nothing and agree to play together. For example, soccer is a gameworld. If you change one rule in soccer - such as allowing 2 balls, or requiring each team to have one camel - you would have an entirely different gameworld.
School is a gameworld. How do you play? Register, sit in rows, take notes, try to get the best grade.
Money is a gameworld. How do you play? Believe that bits of paper or digits in a computer have value. Then whoever dies with the most money wins.
One way to get money is to play in the gameworld called 'having a job.' J.O.B. stands for Just Over Broke. How do you play? Apply to a company. If they like you, you sign a contract to do what they tell you to do even if you don't want to do it or they will fire you. If you agree they give you money in exchange for each hour you are their slave.
When you have some money you can play the gameworld of banks and credit cards. How do you play? Pay a bank to keep your money safe, then pay them to give your money to others with the credit card.
Being a citizen of a country is a gameworld. Buying insurance is a gameworld. Driving a car is a gameworld. We live in a maze of gameworlds. What if you become conscious of that? What if you give yourself the power to choose what gameworlds you play in? Why bother? Because you support the values of the gameworlds you play in.
Zombies are people who pretend to be unaware of the values of the gameworlds they play in. We have updated what Buckminster Fuller said to: "You don't change things by fighting the existing gameworlds. You change things my building new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant." Don't be left behind playing in a stupid gameworld.
More info at: gameworldbuilder.org.
Modern culture leaves out a crucial element to you becoming a powerful adult. They leave out initiation.
Do you think this is an accident?
What is initiation? Is is not ritual or ceremony. It is not giving your authority away to the ancestors or the traditions of the tribe.
The kind of authentic adulthood initiations and archetypal initiations needed now are transformational processes after which you are responsible for things you may never have thought you could be responsible for before.
Nobody can get initiated for you. More interestingly, nobody can stop you from getting initiated.
To learn about adulthood and archetypal initiations please visit initiations.org.
...possibility management?
At first we regarded Possibility Management as a path of personal development that could activate potentials for a more satisfying life. However, in 2007, after reading J.F. Rischard's astonishing book: High Noon: 20 Global Problems and 20 Years to Solve Them (published in 2003!), and after interviewing J.F. Rischard himself in Paris for two generous days of all-questions-allowed wild conversations, it became clear that Possibility Management was actually regenerative-culture thoughtware-upgrades... thoughtware for next culture...
thoughtware for Archiarchy.
Possibility Management provides clarity about thinking, feeling, relating, and evolving which could increase the chances that human beings have a future on planet Earth.
When we realized this, our diligence about delivering our services amplified ten-fold. For more information about Possibility Management please visit possibilitymanagement.org, and for invitations to participate in Possibility Management rapid-learning environments, please consider joining an Expand The Box training, detailed in the online calendar at: www.possibilitymanagement.org/calendar.
Since 2008 Possibilican change-agents have provided individuals and entire projects from the Global Ecovillage Network with context-deepening thoughtware-upgrades, plus healing and initiatory processes.
The evolutionary benefits have been remarkable and sustainable.
Possibilica is listed on the GEN ecovillage website here: ecovillage.org/project/possibilica/
(revised 13 July 2019 by Clinton Callahan)
ARTICLE 1. On this, the 24 day of May in the year 3 of the Archiarchy Calendar (AC) (taking 1 January 2013 in the Gregorian Calendar as day 1 of year 1 of the Archiarchy Calendar), it is hereby declared and ascertained that the nanonation of Possibilica already exists as an organism in the global ethnosphere of Earth and as a member of the global meshwork of nanonations. The nanonation of Possibilica is an energetic configuration of a minimum of 3 people committed to this assemblage of distinctions and declarations from the context of radical responsibility.
ARTICLE 2. Radical responsibility means:
- What is, is, as it is, here and now in the moment, with no story attached. (Arnaud Desjardins)
- Just this. (Lee Lozowick)
- There is no such thing as a problem. It is impossible to be a victim. Irresponsibility is an illusion. You have a Box. You are not your Box. Low drama is Gremlin food. Responsibility is applied consciousness. If you see a job it is your job to do. The universe is built out of archetypal love. (Clinton Callahan)
ARTICLE 3. Radically responsible clarity tends to ignite unquenchable inspiration as 5 Body ecstasy. Archetypal Body Intimacy is allowed in Possibilica.
ARTICLE 4. The nanonation of Possibilica is the space through which the Bright Principles of Love, Adulthood-Initiation, and High-Level-Fun can do their work in the world.
ARTICLE 5. The purpose of Possibilica is to place the unquenchable inspiration ignited in us by radical responsibility’s clarity in the service of Gaia (the specific field of consciousness of Earth) as a Permanent Autonomous Zone (PAZ) to research, develop, document, communicate, and initiate both individuals and organizations in all aspects of life in archiarchy.
ARTICLE 6. Archiarchy is the Earth-loving, regenerative, interdependent, evolving-adult culture currently emerging around the world through cultural creatives, and standing on the shoulders of matriarchy and patriarchy.
ARTICLE 7. Possibilican culture is constellated around the ongoing authentic adulthood initiatory processes that relocate the assemblage points into radical responsibility, such as Expand The Box training and Possibility Labs as delivered by the Trainer Guild of Possibility Management Trainers.
ARTICLE 8. One becomes a citizen of Possibilica through the 'amoeba affect', in other words, through being organically absorbed by the organism without further ado. Expulsion from the nanonation follows the same protocol. Every citizen of Possibilica is a spaceholder for the gameworld of Possibilica.
ARTICLE 9. Every citizen of Possibilica recognizes that the gameworld of Possibilica is just like every other nation-state in the universe, a fiction. Therefore, it has become traditional in Possibilica on the 24 of May of each year to say, “There are only two things in life: bullshit, or nothing,” as a toast. This little ritual is a reminder that the construct of the Possibilican gameworld, just like the construct of every government, religion, corporation, economy, currency, sport, club, or secret society, falls in the category of 'bullshit'.
ARTICLE 10. The distinction between 'bullshit' and 'nothing' allows the citizens of Possibilica to cherish the spaces of opportunity represented by the vast amounts of nothingness and not-knowing present in their culture, and to laugh at the modern culture missionaries who try to seduce their teenagers with sunglasses, smart phones, and bluejeans.
ARTICLE 11. Thoughtware in Possibilica is inquired into as a practice of discovering and avoiding superstitions and beliefs.
ARTICLE 12. Possibilica uses Archiarchal Economics. The currency of Possibilica is mutual respect and Collaborative Invention as exchanged through Gaias, the natural currency. Furthermore, there is no exchange rate between the currency of Possibilica and any other currency. The Buffer Zone Office (BZO) handles external currency exchanges with other Gaian and non-Gaian Gameworlds.
ARTICLE 13. The Guardians of Possibilica assure that the Bill Of Wrongs Of Possibilica are causitive and formatory.
ARTICLE 14. The citizen population of Possibilica is limited to a maximum of 30 human beings aged 18 years or older plus children. The sum total of temporary guests, collaborators and participants at trainings, performances, shows, exhibitions and festivities is unlimited. Should the citizen population ever approach the maximum, one year will be allotted to train-up a selected team of 3 to 7 citizens to depart at year’s-end as the founders of the next Possibilica-style nanonation, established no closer than 10 kilometers distance.
ARTICLE 15. Possibilica functions energetically as a galaxical toroid, freely applying any of the 13 Standard Decision-Making Processes, but often avoids decision-making altogether by entering the M.E.S.S. process (Mayan Extraordinary Synergy System) or Wisdom Counsel, which facilitate Dragon Speaking and Discovery Listening using a formal Spaceholder and Documenter. This allows the citizens to reinvent our story about who we are and what we are doing here rather than finding solutions that solve problems and conflicts.
ARTICLE 16. By shifting from decision-making to choice-creating (Jim Rough) we get to bask in unexpected tsunamis of love. The MESS process naturally ends when everyone knows what they want to go do next and simply go do it.
ARTICLE 17. This is the entirety of the Constitution of the Nanonation of Possibilica. It can only be modified by the Possibilicans.
(revised 13 July 2019 by Clinton Callahan)
Possibilica recognizes that the so-called 'rule-of-law' of the so-called 'modern civilization' (capitalist patriarchal empire) is a failed construct leading directly to planetary suicide and near-term human extinction. Therefore, Possibilica recognizes that anyone continuing to abide by the rule-of-law of modern civilization is criminally insane, and anyone defending the rule-of-law of modern civilization has already forfeited their life.
Therefore, Possibilicans abide by a Bill of Wrongs.
- Forbids modern civilization’s rule of law.
- Forbids ownership of land.
- Forbids taxation.
- Forbids ownership of animal, mineral, or organic resources (so-called 'natural resources').
- Forbids monetizing natural capital.
- Forbids corporate personhood.
- Forbids copyright. (creativecommons.org)
- Forbids patents.
- Forbids hiring employees or working as an employee.
- Forbids hierarchical power structures. (torustechnology.org)
- Forbids public schools. (https://quitschool.mystrikingly.com)
- Forbids win-lose games. (https://3games.mystrikingly.com)
- Forbids externalizing environmental costs or social costs.
- Forbids profit. (postgrowth.org)
- Forbids financial gambling in any form, e.g. health insurance. (artabana.de)
- Forbids renting money (interest).
- Forbids paid lobbyists.
- Forbids paid politicians.
- Forbids absentee ownership (stockholders, landlords, ownership of multiple homes).
- Forbids brands. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Logo)
- Forbids franchises.
- Forbids toxic wastes and byproducts.
- Forbids weapons of mass destruction.
- Forbids armed or armored vehicles (land, sea, air, or space).
- Forbids any weapon with an effective range over one kilometer.
- Forbids disposables.
- Forbids beliefs. (thoughtware.mystrikingly.com)
- And forbids lawyers.
The Bill Of Wrongs Of The Nanonation Of Possibilica does not pretend to abide by natural law, because natural law allows parasites, gangsters, vampires, zombies, ghouls, blackmail, corruption, manipulation, revenge, power over, cancers, disease viruses, survival-of-the-fittest concepts, psychopaths, and acts of God. And, if you have ever seen hungry frigate birds snatch up and swallow freshly-hatched baby sea turtles scuttling frantically and defenselessly towards the ocean waves, you know that nature also allows terrorists.
The Bill Of Wrongs thrives in Possibilica through the guardianship (kaitiaki) of the 4 Archetypal Lineages and their radically responsible choices.
Possibilican Passports
In Possibilica we know the Archetypal Lineage, Bright Principles, Gremlin Name, and Shadow Principles of every other Possibilican.
Therefore, the Archetypal Lineage Talisman serves as one's Passport in Possibilica.
On an ocean of Spiral Dynamics Turquoise floats the symbol of Archiarchy,
where the infinity sign represents the everythingness of the archetypally initiated adult feminine
basking in the clear space of nothingness of the archetypally initiated adult masculine which is represented by the zero .
Please watch this in full screen mode and look deeply into their Beings as they sing to you.
From the lyrics:
I pray that when we meet again,
That the world has changed
Into the world that we are imagining now together.
And I pray that the world has become
The world that we're planting inside of ourselves
For each other, for our ancestors, and for our kids.
It's a rough beginning, but that's all I've got to offer you.
A rough beginning...
The water that flows through the rice fields in Bali is managed by the 'Subak' who are those farmers whose rice fields are located last in line, at the bottom of the mountain. The Subak team assures that water is not hoarded at the top of the mountain in ponds ('large bank accounts') by someone who is frightened and trying to have power by controlling the resources that everyone needs. That would be an I-win, you-lose, scarcity game harming the economy of the village. Instead the Subak team navigates a Winning Happening game where they take radical responsibility to assure that the water flows through every single rice field on the mountain. This is the equivalent of assuring that the money flows through every single bank account in the village. It does no harm to money if we arrange for small amounts of cash to flow rapidly through billons of people's bank accounts rather than having cash in the billions flowing slowly through a few people's over-stuffed bank accounts! The result of archiarchal economy is thriving rice fields in Bali, and a thriving economy in Possibilica.
Gaias are not money.
Gaias cannot be printed out on paper like Dollars, Yuan, Yen, Rubles, Pesos, or Rupiahs.
Gaias cannot be minted as coins.
Gaias cannot be stored in banking computers like Bitcoin and other digital or cryptocurrencies.
You cannot buy things online with Gaias.
The exchange of value using Gaias is actual, not representative, not theoretical.
Gaias are not a medium of exchange.
Gaias are the exchange.
Rather than navigating your life drenched in the scarcity of resources, desperately trying to scrape together enough money to survive... why not become money?
There you are... money.
Money is what you have become.
Are you enough?
Do you have enough?
Then you walk through your life sourcing the resources.
This is an application of Radical Responsibility and taking back Radical Authority.
And by the way... it works.
Many of us are engaged in building-out and trying to inhabit experimental regenerative-culture gameworlds, centered on nurturing complex healthy ecosystems on Earth, centered on the evolution of human consciousness, centered on healing each other, centered on Radical Responsibility and love.
One of the many keys for practical success in next-culture gameworld-building is to re-evaluate what is being valued.
Basing a socio-economic system around valuing material stuff - meaning, to value how much of certain kinds of stuff you have (even numbers in a computer is stuff) - is doomed to duplicate exactly what modern culture already produces.
Material stuff is limited, because material space is limited, automatically resulting in competition, scarcity, winners and losers, strife.
But think about this: In energetic domains, space is not limited.
In nonmaterial worlds, there is unlimited space for building out new gameworlds centered around creating and exchanging nonmaterial values.
Nonmaterial values are often more valuable than any material currency can pay for.
Here is a tiny fraction of a beginning list of nonmaterial value that is being created and exchanged in archiarchal culture gameworlds such as Possibilica. Which are you?- Delivering authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
- Guiding the decontamination of the adult ego state.
- Transforming unhealed traumatic experiences.
- Facilitating gameworld culture shift.
- Opening up the way for a person to lower their Numbness Bar.
- Causing adventure.
- Making it possible for someone to become aware of what you are aware of and entering the waking state.
- Negotiating intimacy in 5 bodies.
- Upgrading Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware.
- Putting the poop on the table.
- Coaching Radical Relating.
- Providing Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
- Clarifying and deepening context in any gameworld.
- Accessing nothingness and not-knowing as resources.
- Creating possibility.
- Holding and Navigating nonlinear and unreasonable spaces.
- Accompanying the dying.
- Distilling transformational distinctions.
- Performing memetic surgeries.
- Pulling the rug out from under assumptions, expectations, resentments.
- Relocating the Point Of Origin.
- Dismantling irrelevant gameworlds.
- Igniting the powers of declaring, choosing, and asking.
- Inventing opportunity.
- Shifting ordinary space into extraordinary or archetypal space.
- Using segway phrases to start interesting conversations with strangers.
- Jacking-In to Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage as external resources.
- Stellating conscious anger, fear, sadness, and joy into Archetypal internal resources.
- Building Matrix for enduring the intensity of archetypal love.
- Becoming centered, grounded, and bubbled enough to play full out.
- Building out and inhabiting new next-culture gameworld spaces.
- ...and so on.
Becoming a member of Possibilica seems to happen the same way an amoeba eats. When the amoeba needs particular nutrients available in a certain organic blob, it sends out a pseudopod to absorb the blob.
We trust the Possibilica amoeba.
When someone is absorbed, we welcome them. When someone is released, we appreciate them and release them. There is no policy about it.
People come around us and co-create value within Possibilica, yet there is no way to get in or be kicked out until the amoeba wills it.
How does that happen? We don't know. It is a mystery...
Below are the current members of the nomadic nanonation of Possibilica:
Devin Gleeson
Sónia Maia Gonçalves
Vera Luísa Franco
Sophia Wegele
Anne-Chloé Destremau
Clinton Callahan
Cornelius Butz
"Just because you are not aware of a certain distinction
does not mean this distinction is not seriously influencing the quality of your life."
- Clinton Callahan, Memetic Engineer
NOTE: If you are playing START OVER...
reading any of the websites listed below earns you 1 Matrix Point!
Doing the proposed experiments and practices at the various websites gets you even more Matrix Points!
The following links are doorways...
StartOver.xyz - 600 interlinked websites of context deepening and matrix-building experiments StartOver.xyz.
How To Play StartOver.xyz - howtoplay.mystrikingly.com
Spaceport blastoff catalog for StartOver.xyz - spaceport.mystrikingly.com
Next Culture Radio - a platform with podcasts and talks, including the early talks - nextcultureradio.org
Distinctionary - a dictionary of Possibility Management Distinctions - distinctionary.mystrikingly.com
S.P.A.R.K.s - Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge - sparks-english.mystrikingly.com
Possibility Management TV - our YouTube channel for WorkTalks, Trainings, Possibilitator Meetings - Possibility Management TV
Gremlin Transformation - the Team for transforming your Gremlin for use in Adulthood - gremlintransformation.mystrikingly.com
Adult Ego State Decontamination - the Team for Decontaminating child, parent, Gremlin, and demon - decontaminations.mystrikingly.com
Possibility Management - the home of PM Thoughtmaps and PM Processes - possibilitymanagement.org and possibilitymanagement.mystrikingly.com
--------------------- MORE RESOURCES ----------------------
4 Feelings - resources start inside of yourself with learning to inner-navigate your feelings and emotions 4feelings.mystrikingly.com
4 Lineages - archetypal lineages fall into 4 categories, which are you? 4lineages.mystrikingly.com
5 Bodies - the mind is too slow and linear to negotiate intimacy and navigate spaces 5bodies.mystrikingly.com
122 Way to create ordinary human relationship... how many do you practice? 122ways.mystrikingly.com
Adulthood - adulthood is being reinvented to start with authentic adulthood initiatory processes adulthood.mystrikingly.com
Archan Law - the legal system for the Archan Nanonations archanlaw.mystrikingly.com
Archan Permaculture - Inner Permaculture plus Outer Permaculture equals Archan Permaculture, the kind of Permaculture they do in Archiarchy archanpermaculture.mystrikingly.com
Archiarchy - Archiarchy is the culture that emerges after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course archiarchy.mystrikingly.com
Become A Seed - (r)evolution starts with a new seed, an idea, a Possibility. Is that you? becomeaseed.mystrikingly.com
Conscious Feelings - the initiation of making your feelings and emotions conscious and useful as an adult consciousfeelings.mystrikingly.com
Create an Expand The Box trainings in your area createanexpandthebox.mystrikingly.com
Cultural Creatives - 300 million edgeworkers and bridge-builders are changing the world as The Cultural Creatives. You are one of us! culturalcreatives.mystrikingly.com
Distinctionary - thoughtware from Possibility Management to upgrade your creating abilities distinctionary.mystrikingly.com
Dynamic Facilitation - the shift from decision making to choice creating through Jim Rough's dynamic facilitation www.co-intelligence.org/DFManual.html
Ecovillages - millions of people already create and move into cultures they would love to live in ecovillage.org
Evolutionaries - transformation professionals are upgrading their skills together evolutionary.mystrikingly.com
Feelings Practitioners - ways to apply emotional healing for physical ailments feelingspractitioner.com
Gaian Gameworlds - the most important development for shifting the human race into Archiarchy may be gaiangameworlds.mystrikingly.com
Gameworlds - humans interact with each other in gameworlds, but who designs and builds new gameworlds? gameworldtheory.mystrikingly.com and gameworldbuilder.mystrikingly.com and gameworlddemolition.mystrikingly.com
Initiations - get yourself initiated into your inner and outer adulthood resources initiations.mystrikingly.com
Intimacy Journeyers - practice skills for negotiating 5-body intimacies intimacyjourneyers.mystrikingly.com
Nanonations - instructions for creating your own nanonation gameworld nanonations.mystrikingly.com
Next Culture Radio - rare podcasts from inside the edge nextcultureradio.org
New Refugees - leaving one culture behind with the pain of knowing what does not work is clarity for building the next culture newrefugees.mystrikingly.com
Patriarchy - the capitalist patriarchal empire is eating Earth for lunch and diminishing a human future patriarchy.mystrikingly.com
Possibilica Cookbook - all the secret recipes and hints are online possibilicacookbook.mystrikingly.com
Possibilitator Training - there is a Path for developing yourself as a professional Possibilitator at possibilitatortraining.mystrikingly.com.
Possibility Coaching - what is Possibility Coaching and how to get it possibilitycoaching.mystrikingly.com
Possibility Management - general theory, trainers, talks, workshops and trainings possibilitymanagement.org
Possibility Managers - what are people who love Possibility Management creating? Check it out: possibilitymanagers.mystrikingly.com
Possibility Team - abundant ideas for running a weekly mutual creation space possibilityteam.mystrikingly.com
Pychopaths - hierarchical power structures and org charts are captured by psychopaths. It is a design flaw. psychopath.mystrikingly.com
Quit School - if you went to school you adopted so many crippling survival behaviors that you are still in school until you quit school quitschool.mystrikingly.com and healfromschool.mystrikingly.com
Reorder - exploring our role in whole system change through sudden reordering reorder.mystrikingly.com and phoenixprocess.mystrikingly.com
Regenerate Earth Goals (REGs) - Updating the United Nations failed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regenerateearthgoals.mystrikingly.com
SpacePort - launch pad for you in the StartOver.xyz thoughtware upgrade game spaceport.mystrikingly.com
S.P.A.R.K.s - Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge with Experiments to try sparks-english.mystrikingly.com
START OVER - free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade game howtoplay.mystrikingly.comp and spaceport.mystrikingly.com and StartOver.xyz
Torus Technology - ecstatic meeting and decision-making format using a 4-D torus torustechnology.mystrikingly.com
Trainer Path - helping each other along the Path of activating our trainer talents trainerpath.mystrikingly.com and path.mystrikingly.com
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code POSIBLCA.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!